- Take her back to where you first met, wearing the same thing you wore the day/night you met... or, along the same lines- Go where you went or do what you did on your first date!
- Give her a photo album full of pictures in order from when you met, until the most recent. On the last page, print "Will you marry me?"... and make sure to leave space for a picture taken of the newly engaged couple shortly after the "YES!". (You can buy blank albums, scrap-booking paper and supplies, as well as get pictures printed, at any mass retailer (such a Wal-Mart or Target), or one that specializes in scrap-booking and supplies. My favorite? One like this one
. Perfect!
- Put the ring in another "gift" for her- chocolates box, at the bottom of tissue paper of a wrapped gift... the possibilities here are endless!
- Have her go on a treasure hunt! This is by far one of my favorite ideas- I think it's highly personable, cute, and she will have such high anticipation the whole time! Lead her on "clues" around town, around the house, around anywhere- for a week, a day, an hour... whatever you want. The last clue should lead to you, down on one knee with her ring!
- Spell it out for her! In the air (yes, hire someone to stream it behind their plane!), in the ground/sand, or, even in food!
- Have a radio message go out to her. Just make sure her radio is on the right station... then have them play "your song" (don't have one? visit my Valentine's Day playlist page for songs that would be perfect!). Dance with her during the music! How romantic.
- I also LOVE this one! Surprise her with a couple's photo shoot at a local photographer. Midway through, as her to marry you on one knee! Just make sure the photographer is ready- what better way to capture the moment!
- Take her on a romantic carriage ride (you know those that you can have drive you around town/the block/wherever?)... at the end, get down on one knee. What better way to have your "princess" feel like Cinderella?!
- Take her, blindfolded, to a nice picnic, somewhere secluded!
Other fun tips?
- Have champagne!
- Have music- it sets the mood!
- Make sure you have tissues handy.
- Have a fully-charged cell phone, you'll both have TONS of friends and family to call!
- Be yourself. Don't do anything really abnormal or out of your comfort zone. This is the guys' day too!
- It's okay to be nervous (both of you!)... it is a huge step in any relationship, and one that shouldn't be taken lightly! This awesome book- to your left- is full of many more, in detail, ideas for that big engagement day!
- So, how did YOU get engaged? Tell us about it! Who has the BEST story out there?!?!
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